Tuesday, June 5, 2012

-DIY- reuse failed Polaroids

I had this failed Polaroid at home, and I wanted to do something with it. So I thought of this:
You can just put an other picture in it. steps after the break


optional: You can edit your photo on such a way it actually looks like a Polaroid, PicMonkey has a Polaroid effect option.

Cut your picture in a square so it fits in your Polaroid.

Open the upside at the back of your Polaroid.

insert and paste
Insert your photo and close the back with some glue


  1. I have always been told that the inside of Polaroid photos is toxic, or at least caustic.

    1. ow I didn't knew that, it does smell a bit weird but I think that if you wash your hands afterwards you won't have any troubles. at least I didn't
      thanks for the warning :)

  2. Great idea! I thought you were going to cut the inside of the frame with an Exacto knife. The method you used is even better -love it!

  3. Hy Gem! I've used picmonkey thanks to your great post !:D
    You have there the 'timemashine' effect where you can choose from 3 different vintage styles..
    We zien alweer bijna, idd nog maar 6 weken ofzo! :D
    CYou :D
