Saturday, June 9, 2012

-DIY- multi-color your world

learn to use picmonkey to make this kind of collages, photos or to photoshop your dress/shoes/hair a different color. Picmonkey is a free online photo editing program. tutorial after the break

start with uploading your image to picmonkey
 than make it black and white

use the eye tint option and select the piece you want to color 
choose a nice color and use print screen (fn + prt sc) and paste this in paint 
(this is because if you save on picmonkey you will lose your selection and you have to start all over again)
than select your photo and crop and save
than select an other nice color
and repeat these steps till you have enough photos
than use the collage option in picmonkey
select your photos and put them in a nice collage 
save and your done!


  1. So creative! I always feel like I should use photoshop because it's more professional and gives you more options, but all these other programs are so fun!

  2. Ah! This is awesome! I just took some pictures of my daughter holding the letters "D-A-D" to give my husband for his first father's day. I didn't want to go through the hassle of painting them, so I used your tutorial. They turned out SO cute! The tint is perfect because you don't lose the dimension of the original object like you would if you used the paint option. I never would have thought to use it. Thanks again!

  3. :) Excellent! I REALLY have to learn how to use Picmonkey now!
