Saturday, August 24, 2013

-DIY- vinyl record sleeves note books

It has been a while since I posted a tutorial, since I have been away a lot lately, but here is a new fresh DIY post for you guys. Its about making a note or sketch book with a vinyl record sleeve as cover. I really like these little books and had fun making them. It is a good back to school project, but makes a great gift too!

- vinyl record sleeve
- scissors
- thread
- paper
- hole puncher

1. cut
cut the sleeve open at the sides, but keep one side, as the back for your booklet.

2. the pages
measure how big your pages should be, and than simply cut them.

3. punch holes
put the pages inside of your notebook cover. and punch some holes at an equal distance from each other in the booklet.

4. thread
time to bind it all up. Take your thread and put it through all the holes, make a knot at the end and trim the ends.

now you're done, there are all sorts of variations to think of, use different colors thread, crop the sleeve, so you can make small ones too. use lined pages for writing or use blank ones for a sketch book. perhaps you could use other kinds of paper too, like postcards, photos or maps, let your creativity go wild :)


  1. I love this idea! It is a great way to make your note book look more interesting.
    xo Natasha

  2. Such a brilliant idea! Thanks for this!

    Love yourself,
