Tuesday, October 2, 2012

playing with photo editing

I'm really interested in photo manipulation. and I would love to have and learn to handle a open editor like adobe photoshop but for now I'll keep up with pickmonkey. from these I like number 3 most. It are little experiments I did just do something and look how it ends up. Here is what I did:
1. this is the original photo I took in our garden.
2. I added a circle as overlay, choose white and faded it at 50%
3. I added a square overlay, erased a circle and some leaves of the flower so it pops out
4. for this one I used the Warhol function
5. I whitened the teeth of the flower and after that I added some mascara
6. here i used the posterize option and faded it quite much

I think I'll make a roundup about nice editing soon.


  1. These are awesome! Yeah, I keep waiting for the day when I'll having adobe photoshop. But Picmonkey is pretty cool.

  2. There awesome I like number 5 the most. I use Pixlr(pixlr.com)it's like photoshop but online and free, it has nearly everything the adobe photoshop!
