Wednesday, October 10, 2012

100 posts + free adds

This is the 100st post I publish here on my blog, 100 posts thats quite a lot don't you think. This means I completed an other goal of mine *applause*. Looking back I see that the quality of my blogging has increased. I begun to photograph a lot better and my texts are becoming also more enjoyable, also my English improved, not shore if thats because of my blog but however.

but now the part why you'll be probably reading this because there stands Free in the title. we all like free things don't you. I'll be giving away 4 free add spots. Comment below If you want one. I'll be choosing the ones I like best to have a place on my sidebar. take a look at my sponsor page too. This giveaway will be closed in about 10 days.
                                                           -giveaway closed-

ps. do you like my new lay-out?


  1. I love your new layout! It rocks! Congrats on the 100th post.

  2. congratulations! I was wondering if my ad could be featured again? But if you want to give some else a go that would be fine!

  3. Heey there, I would love to swap, please!
    xoxo Moana

  4. oooh! Free! I would love one too! I just hit 100 not so long ago too! Congrats!

  5. Wow 100! That's fantastic!! I've just discovered your blog and now I'm following! Can't wait to start reading your posts!!
    I'm keen to swap, if you've still got space going!!
    In the meantime...I'm gong to have a look around!! :D

  6. Wooohooo! Thank you so much! I should probably come up with a button with the blogs name on jt...
